7 Floor Workouts That Keep Women Fit&Firm After 30


For effective core training, nothing beats classic planks. Maintain a straight body, engage your forearms, round your upper back, and keep your lower back flat.

Side Planks

Side planks engage your core's sides and deeper muscles. Lie on your side, forearm on the ground, body straight, glutes squeezed, shoulders back. Don't sag hips. Get full ab benefits!

Hip Bridges

Build a solid booty and strong legs with these moves. Lie down, knees bent, feet flat. Drive through heels, squeeze glutes, push hips up. Protect lower back and knees. Repeat.

Bird Dogs

For a quick midsection and glute workout, try this drill: Get on hands and knees, keeping back flat. Extend opposite arm and leg, focusing on glute activation. Repeat.

Dead Bugs

Effective core exercise: lie on back, arms and knees up. Press lower back down, lift glutes. Extend right and left legs, keeping back flat. Switch and repeat.

Bear Crawls

Crawls work wonders: boost cardio, tone arms, core & legs, prevent injuries. Use as warmup or finisher. Get on all fours, crawl forward alternating arm & leg, keeping hips low & head up.

Crab Walk

Try this unique crawling technique: start in crab position, hands and feet on ground, chest up, crawl forward with opposite arm and leg, keeping hips low and chest high.